Plugin version:

TranslatePress Multilingual v2.7.1 Pro 汉化破解版

TranslatePress Multilingual v2.7.1 + TranslatePress Business v1.3.6

TranslatePress Multilingual v2.5.9 + TranslatePress Business v1.3.1

TranslatePress Multilingual v2.5.8 + TranslatePress Business v1.3.1

TranslatePress Multilingual v2.5.7 + TranslatePress Business v1.3.0


Your website has been fully translated in a few minutes

Rank for more keywords. Increase traffic. Attract more people.

Visually translate the entire page

There is no longer a need to switch between editors, string translation interfaces, or plugins with translation errors. With this WordPress translation plugin, you can directly process the final page from the front-end and fully support WooCommerce and website builders.

Automatic translation

Accelerate the translation process by automatically translating the entire website using Google Translate or DeepL. Then, you can only make changes to the partially translated content.

Require self application for API

Activation Authorization Method


Hidden Content
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